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Redăm mai jos conținutul petiției în engleză:

Maramures County Police, Sighet Police, Maramures Prefect, Media - Romania: Romanian Police MUST find the criminal and the one who instigated and PUNISH THEM

Romanian Police MUST find the criminals who tortured and killed the cats in Sighetu Marmatiei

In the attention of Romanian authorities

It is the duty of the local Police, Prefect from the Maramures County and Sighetu Marmatiei to immediately take all the necessary measures in order to find the criminal who tortured and killed these cats, because he is a danger to the society, humans and animals.

This individual must be found and punished as well as the person who allegedly instigated him to commit these atrocious crimes. They BOTH must be punished based on the Romanian Laws for the Protection of animals ( 9/2008 ) and also based on the Romanian Penal Code (Art. 324) which punishes the instigation to commit crimes and to violate the laws in force in your country.

„Cruzimi de neimaginat în cartierul Unirii din municipiu! Mai mulți locatari se plâng de faptul că cineva torturează animalele din preajma blocului cu numărul opt. Zeci de pisici au fost omorâte sau mutilate în acea zonă. Oamenii sunt îngroziți și spun că nu le vine să creadă că așa ceva e posibil (”

The fact that the Police did not start immediately an investigation and did not make all necessary efforts to find this individual since August 2013 when these crimes have been discovered is UNACCEPTABLE.

How is it possible for the Police to let so many innocent animals be killed?

It is also necessary to find the person who allegedly instigated to these crimes because she/he is as guilty as the one who killed the cats.

This criminal MUST be found and punished in the most severe way, with jail time, as stipulated in the Romanian Laws for the Protection of Animals.

You must also take into consideration the emotional and psychological trauma the people ( and children ) in that area have been exposed too.

It is the duty of local authorities to protect the citizens against any kind of trauma.
We hope that the Romanian Police will take all the necessary measures and will NOT stop until these criminals are caught.

Thank you

Preluare: Sighet 247;

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